Thursday 29 October 2009

It's cruel to keep them in such a small pond

So there I was, happily fishing up coins in Dalaran for The Coin Master, when this happened.

A bunch of sharks and Angry Kvaldir* just spawned in the fountain. Now, for all I know, this is a common occurrence. but I think I'd have heard about it by now.

*I know they were angry because it said so in their names. I don't know what about.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Jubilee for 3.3

The biggest improvement for me is the API addition that will enable people to see which quests they have done. This will update mods like the superb EveryQuest to only show incomplete quests, which in turn will make completing the Loremaster achievements that much easier. Hopefully Kandarz will also add Loremaster support to EveryQuest to make it even easier.

Also, loving the idea of the new dungeon system. So many good things there - not least that it should make it far easier to get groups for non-80 dungeons and raids for achievements.

Things we'd like to see

There are quite a few things that would make the WoW experience more pleasant for me, and you, lucky reader, get to find out what they are.

  • Per-account storage. Why must I use the cumbersome mail system or have all my alts in the same guild to be able to share the wealth? I have a full batch of alts with different tradeskills and it would be useful to be able to share stuff more easily. Course, my guild comprises my main, my alts and no-one else, so I just use the guild bank, but I'd rather not have to do this. This could be done in conjunction with 
  • Guild / Account housing. Natch.
  • More BoA stuff. Love the Cold Weather Flying book and, next patch, Hodir enchants. Some bits of the game are fun. Grinding rep, even by doing quests with mildly salacious names, is not so much.
  • More collectibles turned into currency or similar items. We no longer have mounts, pets or marks of honor cluttering up our banks, lets have the same with tabards, for example. If you don't mind. And trade goods - my bank is full of them. Can't cloth stack a bit bigger?
I might think of a few more things later.

EDIT: Forgot my main thing!

  • WTB section in the AH. Imagine how much better it would be if, instead of yelling out that you WTB something and possibly getting ripped off, you can post what you want and a max price, and others can offer to sell their wares, lowest price wins. I would extend this to craftable items to reduce LFW spam. People could post a request and a price and crafters will accept or not at that price. Accepting the commission will automatically make the product, so the crafter would need to have the mats before accepting.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Hallowed Be My Name!

Finally, after a week and a half of killing the Horseman and putting out his fires, I finally got the Sinster Squashling from a Treat Bag. So ignore my last post :)

From WU

Desperately seeking the Sinister Squashling

As I understand it, achievements are a way of measuring your progress in WoW, whatever type of player you are. Some are very easy, some are very hard, some are more or less completely random. I therefore have no problem with achievements like Sinister Calling, which require not one but two random drops, which you can only get a limited number of times a day (very limited if you have things like a job and a partner and, basically a life) for a limited period. I do have a bit of a problem with it counting for What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been though. It just seems unnecessarily arbitrary.I have been killing the Horseman and putting out fires every day, and getting Treat Bags as often as I can. However, the little pumpkin still eludes me. I have just a few days left before having to wait another year to get this, and failing will really bother me. Fingers crossed, but I'm not hopeful.