Tuesday 3 November 2009

I may have bitten off more than I can chew

So Achievements. Some of them are hard. It's after midnight but I'm still claiming victory for the day as I succeeded just before. Plus it's still Monday in WoW time. Plus...shut up.

So, I queued for Strand of the Ancients. Being the daily, I assumed turnover would be high. Turns out that this late in the day it is not. While I was waiting I went into WSG and got hammered, so no joy there. Also tried to do both the Outland daily achievement, Fires over Skettis and Bomb them again, and crapped out there too. Finally I though I'd try The Underbog and got the Strand invite halfway through.

Strand is a fun BG - if you haven't tried it it's a beachhead assault. We were defending first then attacking. We won with about 30 seconds to spare. Along the way, I picked up the following achievements:

I probably should have bugged out after the first one and saved the rest but that seemed cheap so I'm adding that as another rule - no quitting BGs or dungeons just because I got my achievement for the day.

I'm going to have to think this through a little more - 28 more days of that isn't going to work.

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