Monday 2 November 2009

NaBloPoMo Fail

So, read about National Blog Posting Month the day after it started, and so failed immediately. However, it's given me an idea.

I didn't manage to post an entry yesterday, but I did get an achievement - Dead Man's Party - so that got me thinking.

For the month of November, I am going to attempt to get a different achievement every day. 'But Jaffa, that's cake!', you might be thinking. And you, good looking reader would be correct, except that there are a few other considerations to take into account.

  • I've done a lot of easy ones already - no exploring a different zone each day to get through this.
  • Multiples done on the same day won't count.
  • I won't count heroic and normal dungeon completion separately. Other achivements in the same dungeon might count though.
  • I'm scared of grouping.
  • I have awful gear, so raids are probably out of the question.
  • 3.3 hasn't hit yet, and estimates put it near the end of the month, if not December, so no easy LFD or LFR achievements either (probably).
  • As I have mentioned, I don't play that much, so I have to plan this a bit around the times I do get to play.
So it's a bit of a challenge, I think.

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