Tuesday 7 January 2014

Games night (in the day)

My sister (C), my better half (J) and myself had our standing board game session on Sunday. Our first game was Settlers of Catan. I have only played it once some time ago and frankly didn't enjoy it much, but C had never played and felt like she should. It played pretty much the same as I remembered, interminable dice rolling and then it stopped. I won, pretty much by mistake, but I can't say I took much joy in it. I can't see us playing again for a while.

Second game was Risk Legacy (no spoilers). This was our third game of the campaign and with 3 players we were hoping that we might open our first hidden packet today. Things were going well for me at first, taking Asia from my usual base in Australia, but I couldn't hold it, as I suffered multiple reverses in the middle east and then collapsed from J's attack from Alaska in Siberia. Alas for her, with a surprise attack through J's lightly defended southern border in Central America, C took J's HQ and her first win, giving us one each. At least we'll get a packet next game, and probably one after when all the minor cities are founded. At the moment it's really just Risk, with many of that game's issues, but at least the games don't drag on to world domination (yet).

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