Saturday 4 January 2014

Lego Marvel Super Heroes

The short review - If you've played one Lego game you've played all of them. The slightly longer review: Who cares when they're this much fun?

My ability to suspend my disbelief is quite strong. This means that I easily get scared playing scary games. Not just 'horror' games like Outlast or Amnesia, which I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole, but also games with what the BBFC would probably call 'mild peril'. I can so easily imagine being in the shoes of the character I'm playing.

Which makes flying around New York City as Lego Iron Man utterly joyous.
The characters all feel different, which is quite a feat when you realize how many there are. The game is genuinely funny too - the nods to Samuel L Jackson's previous movie roles are a nice touch. The gameplay is pretty much the same as any of the open world Lego games of recent years, but polished to a mirror shine. I recommend this game if you have any interest in the Marvel universe, as there is sure to be something to make you smile.

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