Wednesday 29 January 2014


So having invested so much time in this seemingly never-ending sequence of sequels, I'm quite looking forward to this third and thankfully final tale of Lightning and co. I have absolutely no interest in the characters or setting, the former being either stereotypes or cyphers (with the improbable exception of Sazh, who despite appearing to be the worst kind of the former actually turned out to be quite interesting), and the latter, while quite epic, never feeling like a real world. What I liked was how they have evolved the systems and combat, with the latter being especiallly interesting. In this latest instalment, it's a sort of real-time affair, which if the demo is anything to go by, will either prove deep and interesting or incredibly frustrating. Watch this space.

Anyway, I realised recently that none of the stories of any Final Fantasy game has made any sort of sense to me since VII (and I'm not 100% clear on all aspects of that), so if you're coming to the FFXIII sub-series for the first time with Lightning Returns, or if you want a refresher, watch this charming video produced by Squeenix themselves for a quick recap of the most salient points. It hits most of the big moments (with some spoilers, I guess) without the narrative fluff that bogs down the games while you are actually playing them.

Hat tip to Polygon.

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